AWS CodeDeploy: 5 AWS Deployment Process, Pros, Cons

AWS Deployment Process has five different app deployment processes (AWS CodeDeploy). Do you know which one out of them all is the best? If you don’t then read this to learn.

Amazon web services or more commonly known by its acronym AWS offer you five different types of AWS Deployment processes.

Have you ever wondered which one out of them all is the best? Which one should you use for your business? Also, what are the core differences between them?

If you haven’t, then fret not. As in this article, that is precisely what we will discuss and much more.

We will venture deep into what all of these deployment processes are, what their benefits and limitations are, and when you should and shouldn’t use them.

What is A AWS Deployment Process?

An AWS deployment process is a process through which your application is deployed.

AWS offers various services through which deployment occurs, and it updates or changes the data you are trying to live through your application.

AWS Deployment ensures your application is up to date with the latest data.

It also ensures that the application is working adequately and the app is performing in accordance with expectations.

However, before we dig further into AWS Deployment and its various processes, we would like to educate the reader regarding how AWS performs deployment through its mother deployment service known as AWS CodeDeploy.

What is AWS CodeDeploy?

AWS CodeDeploy is one of the services offered by Amazon Web Services. Through this service, you can deploy your application automatically in the AWS ecosystem.

Depending upon the nature of your business and need, AWS CodeDeploy chooses one of five types of deployment to launch your application.

Advantages of AWS CodeDeploy

Now that you are aware of what AWS CodeDeploy is, let’s move on to the advantages and why developers prefer to use this service compared to its competitors.

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According to us, the following are the significant advantages AWS CodeDeploy possesses:

1. Automatic Deployment

The most significant advantage of using AWS CodeDeploy is that it is a service that automatically deploys your application without you worrying about petty administrative tasks.

It chooses the best deployment process according to the nature and needs of your business and deploys it successfully, providing you with unrivaled convenience.

2. AWS CodeDeploy Ensures As Low Downtime As Possible

The second advantage AWS CodeDeploy possesses is that it works rapidly and as a result, your application downtime is minimized.

This service ensures that your app is updated, upgraded, and changed swiftly, probably overnight, so that your applications are usable in peak hours.

3. Unrivaled Control of The Service

The most significant advantage of AWS CodeDeploy is that this service offers you customization control to deploy your application as you wish.

The control over the service developers’ experience while using this service is unrivaled compared to anything else.

4. Easy To Use Service

Another advantage of using AWS CodeDeploy is that it is effortless, making it beginner-friendly. It is compatible with any application.

It allows you to reuse your code for your app or even allows third-party apps to work alongside the deployment of your app.

Limitations of AWS CodeDeploy

AWS CodeDeploy is one of the leading application deployment services currently available. Yet, we believe they are not perfect.

Hence, to show you the entire picture, we would like to highlight their glaring limitations, such as:

1. Struggles When Dealing With Multi-Tier Applications

One of the biggest limitations of AWS CodeDeploy is that it is designed to work on a single-layer application as its deployment works best.

When it is tasked to work on a multi-tier application, its users have complained about the struggles they face, and a noticeable difference can be observed in its performance.

2. Limited Deployment Available

On a single account, you can deploy a maximum of 50 custom deployments which in 2022 is not considered an industry-leading standard.

However, it must be noted that you can talk to Amazon Web Services support department to increase this, but we still feel this is something that should have been taken care of on its own.

3. Better Code Deployment Services Exist

The final limitation we feel AWS CodeDeploy experiences is that despite being AWS’s flagship code deploying service, it isn’t the best available option in the market as better services exist.

Companies Who Use AWS CodeDeploy

After covering its advantages and limitations, let’s focus on the companies that are actively using this service to enhance their business model.

1. Instacart

Instacart is one of the best up-and-coming eCommerce businesses, and it used AWS CodeDeploy to handle its query and help its business flourish.

2. SmartNews

One of the leading applications of modern journalism, SmartNews, is another company that uses AWS CodeDeploy to keep its application healthy, functioning, and updated.

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3. Click Travel

For millennials, traveling is much more important than buying a house. So, when a travel application like Click Travel uses AWS CodeDeploy to support its business, it ensures that this service is worth your investment.

4. 3M

3M is a business that does not require an introduction as being one of the world’s leading multinational conglomerates; they are synonymous with excellence.

They use AWS CodeDeploy for their application, and their stamp of approval is a big deal in the tech world.


The final company that uses the AWS CodeDeploy service is GILT.

One of the world’s biggest fashion brands, their application attracts traffic unlike any other but by using AWS services, they have supplemented their business to new heights.

Types of AWS Deployment Process

AWS CodeDeploy is the premier code deploying service that Amazon web services offer.

However, you also need to know that there are five types of deployment processes that you need to be aware of. So if you don’t know anything about it, keep reading.

Types of AWS Deployment Process
Basic Application Deployment
Multi-Service Application Deployment
Rolling Application Deployment
Blue & Green Application Deployment
Canary Application Deployment

1. Basic Application Deployment

  • As the name suggests, basic application deployment is the most basic form of application deployment.
  • In this, your application data is transferred to every node at a time when it comes to updates, upgrades, or implements changes in your application.
  • This deployment type is usually used overnight when your application’s usage is down to nil as this process slows down your application for the time being.
  • This is considered a risky process because anything going south can be a data loss.

Benefits of Basic Application Deployment:

The biggest benefit of using this deployment method is that it is cheap and fast to operate.

However, it is highly recommended not to utilize this method if you own a business and update your application, as the risks involved in this can result in complete data loss.

Limitation of Basic Application Deployment:

Basic deployment is not the best option out of all AWS Deployment processes because of its risks.

2. Multi-Service Application Deployment

  • Multi-service application deployment works a lot like basic application deployment.
  • However, the significant difference between the two is that it is a lot less risky than basic application deployment.
  • This is because in multi-service application deployment, although every node is updated one by one, multiple backups are generated, due to which your data is better protected.

Benefits of Multi-Service Application Deployment:

Like basic application deployment, this form of application deployment is also cheap, and in addition to that, it is also a lot more secure.

This is why it is one of the preferred methods of developers for application deployment.

Limitation of Multi-Service Application Deployment

Multi-service application deployment takes a long time to deploy, thus causing developers to down applications for a longer duration.

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Although it is more secure than basic application deployment, it is still not completely secure, and data loss can still occur.

3. Rolling Application Deployment

Rolling application deployment is another type of deployment in which your application data is deployed in stages.

Some nodes of your application are deployed, whereas others are awaiting until the earlier ones have adjusted, and once they do, the next batch is deployed.

Benefits of Rolling Application Deployment:

A rolling application deployment’s most significant benefit is that its rollback can be implemented quicker than basic and multi-service if there is a problem.

As in those changes and rollback of the complete application is required, as opposed to individual batches.

Limitation of Rolling Application Deployment:

Like multi-service application deployment, rolling application deployment can take a long time to deploy properly because they are rolled in batches.

Your application also has to support both old and new data, which puts a lot of strain on your website.

4. Blue & Green Application Deployment

  • The easiest way to explain blue & green application deployment is that there are two separate environments simultaneously present in this form.
  • One is the staging environment, and the other is the actual live data.
  • In this deployment, your data is transferred from staging first, where quality testing is done on it, and when it passes it becomes live, and your previous data is now considered for staging.

Benefits of Blue & Green Application Deployment:

Blue & Green application deployment is rapid and offers you an alternative for a worst-case scenario.

As if trouble occurs, you already have another environment to switch back to, resulting in no downtime for the application.

Limitation of Blue & Green Application Deployment:

Blue & Green application deployment is expensive and challenging to execute.

5. Canary Application Deployment

Canary application deployment is the safest type of application deployment as data is deployed in the safest form possible and in subsets of phases.

Meaning until a phase is not entirely secure, it is not deployed.

Benefits of Canary Application Deployment:

Canary application deployment is the safest type of application deployment.

Limitation of Canary Application Deployment:

It is a very complex process to implement adequately.

Bottom Line

Like every service related to your digital business support, Amazon web services offer you an application deployment service known as AWS CodeDeploy.

We have in this article talked about that and the five deployment process it has. Go through it and let us know which one, according to you, is the best.

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