2024 Best 51 AWS Lambda Interview Questions and Answers

AWS is a budding field for people interested in an up-and-coming industry with the potential to change the world. If you want to become a part of the Amazon Web Services industry, you will have to prepare for some job interviews and clear them with impressive knowledge.

To help you out, we have arranged some important AWS Lambda Interview Questions and Answers that will take you one step closer to your preparation.

51 AWS Lambda Interview Questions

1. What is AWS Lambda?

Lambda is a serverless computing service offered by AWS. It automatically manages the computing resources with no management of servers and runs the code as a response to events. AWS Lambda is among the best computing services in the industry.

When we consume the data, we have to pay for the computing time we use it, but we do not have to pay when the code is not running. Lambda is best used to run the codes on any application virtually without worrying about administration.

2. What is Serverless Computing? Explain Briefly.

For serverless computing, a cloud provider is responsible for the virtual server and has to dynamically manage the allocation of resources. It is a cutting-edge model for computing execution that can help run applications and services without having to think about the servers.

AWS manages the servers, but the applications can run easily on them. With serverless computing, developers have the freedom and flexibility to focus on their app development. As for AWS Lambda, it is at the serverless computing’s core as it can run the code with no servers.

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3. Explain Auto-Scaling in Lambda.

Auto-scaling is a feature in AWS Lambda that helps us to configure and automatically spin new instances. We do not need to interfere at any stage because auto-scaling is in the works.

However, if users want to monitor the progress and other things, they can use threshold and metrics. The monitoring task can be enabled once the threshold is crossed. After that, users can check their instanced scaled horizontally with no interference.

4. What is Automated Deployment?

Automated deployment is similar to programming with a difference of a few factors. It significantly reduces associated challenges and decreases human interference. As a result, organizations can have quality-based output in every parameter.

5. What are the Restrictions for the Function Code of Lambda?

Among other AWS services, Lambda imposes a limited number of restrictions on the activities of an operating system. The disabled activities include trace calls, inbound network connections, and traffic on TCP port 25. But the TCP/IP sockets for outbound connections are enabled.

6. What Makes Lambda a Timesaving Approach?

Following are some of the reasons that make AWS Lambda a timesaving approach:

  • It stores data and other information in local server memory.
  • It stores data in the database directly, without affecting performance.
  • It provides simple testing techniques, e.g., integration testing through multiple vendors.

7. What are the Disadvantages of Utilizing AWS Lambda?

Following are the disadvantages of using Lambda’s serverless approach:

  • For vendor control, there is a strict upper limit that causes downtime and losses.
  • System limits and loss of functionality.
  • Lack of dedicated hardware leads to security challenges and performance issues.
  • Customer errors can create problems.
  • Switching new deployment to Google Cloud functions can be problematic with the limitation of monitoring tools.

8. What are the Supported Programming Languages for AWS Lambda?

Following are the programming languages supported by AWS Lambda:

  • Java
  • C#
  • PowerShell
  • Go
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • Ruby

9. What Kind of Codes Can Run on Lambda?

Following are the codes that we can run on AWS Lambda:

  • Retrieve and transfer data by creating mobile back-ends with the help of Amazon DynamoDB.
  • Amazon Kinesis for streaming data’s server-less processing.
  • Handlers for transformation and compression of objects while they are uploaded to Amazon S3.
  • API calls reporting and auditing that are made to any of the web services by Amazon. 

10. Briefly State the Best Security Practices for AWS Lambda.

Following are the best practices for security in Lambda:

  • Identity Access and Management (IAM)
  • Grant specific access to users for particular roles.
  • Restrict access to unauthorized hosts.
  • Avoid storing user credentials into the Lambda function codes.
  • Delete the functions that are not in use.
  • Limit access to Lambda APIs and set standards for access control.

11. What is EBS in Lambda?

Elastic Block Storage (EBS) is a service provided by Amazon for tasks. It is a virtual storage area network where we can initiate the tasks. EBS can easily manage faults and prevent data loss, even if the disk is damaged.

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We can also use EBS for the provision and allocate the storage, and connect it to an API if needed.

12. What are the Types of Storage That Amazon Provides?

Amazon offers a range of storage options with durability and high performance. We can use the storage independently and in various combinations. Following are the storage types offered by Amazon:

  • EBS: It is block-level storage that comes with an encryption feature. EBS is a great option for independent storage.
  • EC2 Instance Store: This one is connected to the host PC directly. It acts as a storage disk, perfect for temporary use. As long as the instance remains valid, the data on the EC2 instance store remains valid.
  • Adding Storage: As soon as the root storage device is ready, an instance is launched that contains boot instance-related information.
  • Amazon S3: It can store any amount of data and is generally considered an inexpensive option for storage.

13. What Happens to Lambda If an Event Processing Fails?

Lambda runs the functions in either of the two modes: synchronous and asynchronous. If the event processing function fails in synchronous mode, Lambda gives an exception to the application. But if it fails in asynchronous mode, the function is retrieved at least 3 times.

14. Briefly Describe the Limitations of Lambda.

Following are the factors that limit the functionality of AWS Lambda:

  • Default deployment package size of 50 MB.
  • Less memory location and more execution time.
  • Ephemeral disk space limited to 512 MB.
  • Memory range only from 128 MB to 10240 MB.
  • Fifteen minutes of maximum execution timeout.

15. Do You Think Vertical Scaling Is Possible in Lambda?

Vertical scaling is possible in AWS Lambda, and it is among the most in-demand features of the service. The vertical scaling feature is used when a user needs to spin an instance larger in size.

If the user is already utilizing an instance, they can pause it before detaching from the server. However, the user will have to note down the ID of the new device that will eventually continue the process.

16. How Would You Execute a Lambda Function?

It is easy to execute a Lambda function using the Lambda console, API, AWS CLI, AWS SDK, and toolkits.

17. Explain the Difference between a Lambda Function and an Anonymous Class.

The use of keywords is the biggest difference between a Lambda function and an anonymous class. The Lambda function keywords are used to resolve the functional classes, and the anonymous class keywords are used for the anonymous functional classes.

18. If the Configuration or Code is Changed, Would a Lambda-Based Function Remain Available?

Yes, the function will remain available even if the configuration or code is changed. The old version of the Lambda function remains available for a short time (less than a minute) when it is updated. If you wish to execute new requests using the old or new version, you can do that during that period.

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19. How Would You Start Working with a Serverless Application?

First, a user will have to open the AWS Lambda console to start working with a serverless application. Then, download the standard package (blueprint) with an AWS Sam file and a ZIP file. After that, the user will have to use AWS Cloud formation commands to package and deploy the serverless application codes.

20. What Is the Difference between Final Variables and Effective Final Variables in Lambda?

Final variables cannot be modified after they have been assigned. Effectively final variables are in their early stage and do not have an assigned value so that they can be modified. These variables are also crucial for the testing process.

If you wish to add more features to the final variables, you can use effectively final variables to do so.

21. Explain the Lambda Expressions.

Lambda expressions are best used to write shorthand code. They are used as an anonymous method for writing the code and enhancing developers’ productivity. They can get reliable code without putting too much effort into it. Basically, Lambda expressions are nameless functions.

22. What Can You Build with Lambda?

Following are the applications of AWS Lambda that are effectively in use by various organizations, developers, and users:

  • Third-party API requests
  • Data validation
  • Data processing
  • Real-time file processing
  • Filtering
  • Sorting real-time stream processing

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These AWS interview questions on Lambda will prepare you for a thorough interview session with any company looking for an AWS expert.

If you want to improve your knowledge of AWS and appear confident during your interview, we recommend going through these questions to improve your chances of getting hired.

For more information about AWS interview questions, check out our other guides!

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