Overview Of AWS Cloud Management Tools and Usages

This article will introduce you to the many AWS Cloud Management Tools that may assist you in optimizing, controlling, and managing your AWS infrastructure.

It’s quite simple to become lost in the Amazon web services administration (management) tools since this cloud environment provider strives to give organizations highly tailored and effective sets of solutions. Any of them may completely meet the majority of business requirements and growth objectives.

It’s critical to understand all AWS Cloud management tools provided by that AWS which in turn will help you run your services in the cloud seamlessly as your infrastructure grows within AWS and your environment scales over time.

So, below are the services that we will be covered in the blog:

  • Amazon CloudWatch
  • AWS CloudFormation
  • AWS CloudTrail
  • AWS Config
  • AWS System manager
  • AWS Opswork

In addition, you will learn about the top-rated AWS cloud management tools you can rely on in this article

  • What each service aims to accomplish
  • How does the service function?
  • How should the service be configured?
  • How to set up the services in your own Amazon Web Services environment.

What Are AWS Cloud Management Tools (AWS Cmt)

Cloud management tools are software that enables you to configure, execute, control, manage, and optimize your cloud workflows.

AWS Management Tools assist users in managing cloud components and their accounts. These tools let the user create, modify, monitor, and also help in automating the creation of all the components programmatically.

There are several sorts of management tools that are connected with the AWS environment, including Amazon EC2 and DynamoDB.

IT companies must strike a balance between offering the advantages of a cloud strategy—agility, scale, robustness, and cost savings. While preserving governance, compliance, and resource efficiency.

The tool which has the capacity to handle all three and deliver a robust solution is AWS CMT. This set of AWS Management tools allows users to manage every aspect of their network infrastructure.

Overview Of AWS Cloud Management Tools

AWS Management Tools and the services they provided are as  follows:

1. AWS CloudFormation

Cloud Infrastructure Resources are provided and deployed. AWS CloudFormation is a complete templating language that allows you to construct managed AWS resource stacks, with a growing library of templates to choose from.

With the aid of computer languages, Amazon CloudFormation allows users to manage and provision their whole infrastructure.

AWS CloudFormation is a simple json or yaml file which has all the required resources that are supposed to be deployed in the AWS environment.

It also allows resources to be deployed across multiple regions and accounts as well automatically and in full AWS Security. This file is the only source of truth in your cloud environment.

AWS CloudFormation
AWS Cloud Management Tools- AWS CloudFormation

2. AWS Service Catalog

Utilization and creation of standardized products.

  • AWS Service Catalog aids in the management of IT service catalogs. These services are often used on AWS.
  • With this, we can manage a host of services like Virtual machine images to Servers, software, and databases not only that this can also be used to manage a full-scale architecture with multiple tiers.
  • To manage the deployed IT services with proper regulatory requirements and uniform governance AWS Service Catalog is the best solution.
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Benefits Of AWS Service Catalog

  • Ensure that the company’s standards are followed– AWS Service Catalog is a centralized area where businesses can manage their IT service catalogs.
  • Assist staff in swiftly locating and implementing approved IT services– AWS Service Catalog allows you to create your catalog of AWS services and AWS Marketplace applications, which you can then make available to your company.
  • Use ITSM/ITOM software – It helps administrators to keep a check and better manage AWS and other third party products.

3. Amazon CloudWatch

Keep an eye on your resources and applications.

  • As the name suggests CloudWatch, this service watches and collects all kinds of logs from all the services which in turn is helpful for developers, the DevOps team, and other engineers.
  • The logger service collects the logs of all the events and metrics of all the resources deployed in the AWS account and locally hosted servers as well, it can be stored for future references for log analysis.
  • The user may have system-wide visibility into resource consumption, application performance, and operational health using Amazon CloudWatch.

Benefits of Amazon CloudWatch

  • A centralized place for observing apps and services logs- AWS services generate huge amounts of log files, so Cloudwatch is the solution for redirecting those logs to a centralized place for reference.
  • CloudWatch centrally collects metrics and logs- CloudWatch makes it simple to keep track of your AWS resources and apps. It seamlessly collects the logs for all the services and stores them in files as per our specifications. We can configure it to save the logs in the different file paths for all the services within AWS.
  • Gain visibility and operational insight– With the availability of logs at such granular level and in real-time the visibility and security and performance bottlenecks can be easily monitored and fixed.  
Amazon CloudWatch
How Amazon CloudWatch works?

4. AWS Systems Manager

Action on AWS resources and Operational Insights

AWS Systems Manager is the company’s operations center. There comes the necessity of tracking and resolving operational issues which is an everyday ongoing process and the answer to that is AWS Systems Manager. You may automate operational processes for Amazon EC2 and Amazon RDS instances using Systems Manager.

Systems Manager makes it easier to run and manage your infrastructure at scale by simplifying resource and software management, reducing the time it takes to identify and address operational issues, and reducing the time it takes to detect and resolve operational problems.

You may also organize resources by software, monitor and troubleshoot operational data, apply pre-approved change procedures, and audit operational modifications for your resource groups.

Benefits of AWS Systems Manager

  • Resolving operational difficulties takes less time– It constantly keeps watch on the operational statistics for the resources which help to resolve any issue on the spot reducing downtime and delay.
  • It’s simple to utilize automation– You can automate operational activities with AWS Systems Manager to help your employees be more productive.
  • Organize hybrid settings- Have servers in AWS as well as on-premises, don’t worry you can configure the systems manager to manage both simultaneously.
AWS Cloud Management tools- AWS Systems Manager
How AWS Systems Manager Works?

5. AWS CloudTrail

Monitor API usage and user activity.

AWS CloudTrail provides various services to users, including AWS account administration, accountability, operational audits, and risk auditing. Keep track of all the API calls to AWS through the CloudTrail logs which can help in security breaches and debugging with the log history. We can redirect the CloudTrail logs to CloudWatch logs as well which gives even more flexibility.

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CloudTrail logs can help your company avoid penalties by proving compliance with laws like SOC, PCI, and HIPAA.

With Amazon EventBridge, you can optimize your security posture by capturing user behavior and events and setting up automatic process rules.

On a single, centrally controlled platform, capture and aggregate user activity and API usage across AWS Regions and accounts.

Benefits of AWS CloudTrail

  •  Auditing- Authenticity is checked by monitoring, storing, and validating activity events. Produce audit reports that are needed by corporate rules and external requirements with ease.
  • Recognize security incidents- Use the Who, What, and When information in CloudTrail Events to detect illegal access. EventBridge notifications and automated workflows based on criteria can help you respond.
  • Troubleshoot any operational difficulties- Continuously monitor API use history using machine learning (ML) models to identify odd behavior in your AWS accounts and figure out what’s causing it.

How it works

AWS CloudTrail keeps track of account activity throughout your AWS infrastructure, allowing you to manage storage, comparison, and repair…

 AWS CloudTrail
AWS CloudTrail

6. Aws Opswork

It is a configuration management tool that provides the flexibility of viewing metrics of each service using tools like Chef and Puppet. Automation is the key nowadays and the answer is OpsWorks which uses code to automate the configuration. It has three different offerings Stacks, puppet enterprise and chef automate.

Benefits Of Chef

  • Server Automation via a Fully Managed ChefAWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate is the service for fully managed configuration service using Chef. Server provisioning and installation are all managed by AWS itself.
  • Infrastructure that can be programmed– Chef server allows you to describe server configurations in a manner that you can manage and version in the same way that your application source code is.
  • Secure– AWS by default runs the chef in an Amazon EC2 instance in an Amazon VPC so for sure its highly secure.

Benefits Of Puppet

  • Puppet Master with Full ManagementAWS OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise will patch, update, backup, and manage the availability of your Puppet masters through regular system maintenance.
  • Infrastructure that can be programmed– You may specify server configurations in a manner that you can manage and version much like your application source code using Puppet Enterprise.
  • Scaling Made Simple– You may use Auto Scaling to register and provision additional nodes automatically.

7. AWS OpsWorks Stacks

AWS OpsWorks Stacks, this service from AWS provided the capability to manage application and server management. Use the Opsworks stack to represent your application that included all the resources required.

Benefits of Aws Opswork Stacks

  • Any Application is SupportedAWS OpsWorks Stacks may handle a broad range of topologies, from basic web apps to extremely sophisticated bespoke apps.
  • Code-based configurationAWS OpsWorks Stacks allows you to specify settings for your whole environment in a manner that you can manage and version in the same way that you maintain and version your application source code.

8. AWS Cost Explorer

AWS Cost Explorer is a user-friendly tool that allows you to view, analyze and control your AWS expenses and consumption over time. Create custom reports that evaluate the cost and use data to get started quickly. You can use the cost explorer to see expenditures and it has the flexibility to be used across accounts.

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Benefits AWS Cost Explorer

  • It’s free to use (but it will be chargeable if you view old data)
  • You may look at data from the previous year.
  • There are summaries of expenditure patterns.
  • You may also forecast your expenditures for the coming year.

General services performed by the AWS Management Tool

1. Provisioning

AWS CloudFormation is a solution that helps users to create the infrastructure with the help of code. It’s simple, just prepare the template with all the resources using JSON/YAML and pass it to AWS. CloudFormation assists users in keeping a check on AWS Services while also providing automated and secure deployment of resources.

After everything has been modeled, this document is the only source of truth for your cloud environment. AWS Service allows users to create a group of CloudFormation files that are allowed. To allow your business to only deploy approved and compatible resources, create a catalog.

2. Monitoring and working

Amazon CloudWatch may be used to monitor AWS cloud resources as well as the apps you run on the platform. Store the logs and use them for future analysis to check for security vulnerabilities or analysis. Keeping an eye on log files can save you from unauthorized uses and makes the aws environment secure.

AWS CloudWatch also gives you a stream of events that describe changes to your AWS resources, which you may use to respond to changes in your applications.

3. Operations Management

AWS offers a number of services for managing your cloud infrastructure and daily operational activities. Let’s check a few:

AWS Systems Manager will allow the user to read and monitor all of your resources as well as automate basic operational activities like repair and device management. Systems Manager allows the user to keep track of all of their cloud operations in one location.

AWS CloudTrail may be used to track work and activities inside an organization, while AWS Config can be used to keep track of all configurations across the resources.

4. Managed Services

OpsWorks removes the need for users to manage their configuration management systems. It also integrates easily with your current Chef and Puppet tools.

OpsWorks can patch, upgrade, and back up your Chef and Puppet servers consistently, as well as maintain their supply. Go for OpsWorks if you have a hands-on Chef and Puppet.

Also, explore related AWS articles below.


Each of the Amazon Web Services administration tools we’ve looked at is necessary for smooth cloud setup and operation.

Still, careful business analysis can help you identify the most important goal you need to achieve right now to improve your Amazon AWS business efficiency.

I hope you find this article on AWS Cloud Management Tools And Usages to be helpful and you have learned something new!

  • Amazon CloudWatch
  • AWS CloudFormation
  • AWS CloudTrail
  • AWS Config
  • AWS System manager
  • AWS Opswork

Keep Clouding!!

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