Top 10 AWS Big Data Services List + How They Work?

You have heard a lot about AWS Big Data Services, but do you know about their implementation? If not, read the AWS Big Data blog, to learn about it.

Amazon Web Services are considered one of the pioneers of web services.

Today, the digital web services industry is valued at $180 billion, and out of that, a whopping 33 percent is controlled by AWS. Do you know why? Because they provide you with AWS Big Data services.

In essence, big data services are the services that let you perform any and every job that needs to be performed to increase your business’s digital presence.

Even though many companies offer you big data services, in reality, none of them can compete with AWS.

Top 10 AWS Big Data Services List

AWS provides the best big data services to you because their top-tier team has meticulously designed them.

They have ensured to cover every problem you might face, and through these services, they have provided you with the tools to handle them adequately.

Although Amazon Web Services offer many applications that can handle big data from inception to the final result, we have chosen to highlight the following because they are the best of the best.

Let us check out now AWS Big Data services list.

1. AWS Glue

AWS Glue is a data processing service that allows you to retrieve, alter, and load (ETL) information. It can clean, enhance, categorize, and transport data between repositories.

What Is AWS Glue
What Is AWS Glue

Glue is a serverless service, which means you are only billed for the resources you use and do not need to worry about infrastructure provisioning.

2. AWS Sagemaker (Amazon ML)

AWS Sagemaker is a tool that assists with the development of machine learning without the need for ML expertise. It offers wizards, visualization tools, and demo models to get you started.

The service can guide you through reviewing data to train and improve the trained model to meet business requirements. You may get its output via batch outputs or API when your model is finished.

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Amazon’s EMR is a cloud service that processes massive volumes of data rapidly and efficiently. This is basically a Hadoop cluster in AWS.


EMR provides support for 19 open-source technologies, such as Spark and Hadoop.

It also includes managed EMR Notebooks for close consultation, advanced analytics, and big data development.

4. AWS Kinesis

AWS Kinesis is a service for collecting and analyzing real-time data streams. It can support a host of streams. Kinesis data can be exported to various AWS services.

What Is AWS Kinesis
What Is AWS Kinesis

You can also utilize Kinesis to create unique streaming data apps using its Library (KCL). This library supports dynamic content, alerts, and real-time dashboards.

5. Quicksight

Amazon Quicksight is the AWS Service application that generates visually appealing visualizations and outstanding interactive dashboards that can be accessed via any smartphone or web browser.

What is Amazon QuickSight
What is Amazon QuickSight

This business intelligence resource can perform big data computations and quickly generate graphs using the AWS (SPICE) engine.

6. S3

Amazon S3 is a scalability, private, and long-lasting object storage system that can retain any sort of data obtained from anywhere.

What Is AWS S3 Used For
What Is AWS S3 Used For

S3 saves data generated from business apps, WebPages, smartphones, and other Internet devices and sensors. This can store any quantity of data with unrivaled reliability.

Amazon S3 leverages the same flexible data storage that Amazon uses to run its global eCommerce system, which is a strong recommendation for the technology.

Also read- AWS S3 Interview Questions

7. Redshift

What Is AWS Redshift
What Is AWS Redshift

AWS Redshift is a data warehousing tool provided by AWS. It can store huge data and is quick while loading and retrieving data as well.

8. Athena

What Is AWS Athena
What Is AWS Athena

AWS Athena is the service with which we can query data from S3 directly. It has the capacity to query huge data sets with the help of a glue catalog.

Someone can query directly data stored in S3 with Athena without even loading them into a database.

9. AWS lambda

What Is AWS Lambda
What Is AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda is a serverless computing unit. It can process data in sequence even when the number of data files is huge. It can create multiple pipelines and process the data in parallel.

Also read- AWS Lambda Interview Questions

10. Amazon Elasticsearch Service

What is AWS Elasticsearch
What is AWS Elasticsearch

Want to process data in real-time, then Amazon Elasticsearch is the service to be chosen. We can couple it with any AWS Service and load data and generate real-time analytics with Graphana or Kibana.

What is Big Data: Complete case study

Now that we have highlighted what big data services are, the next topic we want to focus on is what exactly is big data.

The term “big data” refers to a vast volume of organized, semi-structured, and unorganized data gathered from many sources.

Many data analysts summarize the features of big data in the following:

MagnitudeThis refers to the quantity of data.
SpeedThe data accumulates quickly. Data flows in a continuous and huge flood from social media, mobile devices, networks, and machines.
DiversityData originates from various sources, both inside and outside the company.
CredibilityThe data frequently contains discrepancies, inaccuracies, and duplication as a result of gathering information from multiple and different sources.
ValueData is worthless unless it can be evaluated, processed, and transformed into something helpful to the company.

Need For Big Data?

Traditional processes and databases cannot handle the volume of data a modern business generates.

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They cannot analyze the data in time and keep up with every growing demand. Hence, they won’t be able to provide the insight every business requires to keep growing.

How To Avail The Best From Big Data

The easiest way to get the best out of big data is to employ AWS’s big data services.

Amazon Web Services offers you a host of applications that can convert big data into vital information that can help your business achieve its full potential.

Why Are AWS Big Data Services Highly Rated?

Amazon Web Services’ big data services are rated highly because AWS is the world’s most complete and widely used cloud platform. They have hundreds of fully operational services available around the world.

AWS is used by millions of consumers, including the fastest-growing startups, the largest enterprises, and prominent government agencies to decrease costs, enhance efficiency, and drive innovation.

How Does Implementation of AWS Big Data Services Occur?

There are a lot of AWS big data services, and they can be deployed in a variety of ways. However, the first thing you need to do to be able to utilize their services is to create your AWS account.

You can start with a free tier account, and as you become accustomed to Amazon Web Services’ various services, you can upgrade to a premium tier to get the best use out of the services.

Visit the following link to create your account and start implementing the services you require for your business.

Advantages of Using AWS Big Data Services

AWS big data services have made a name for themselves in the web services market because of their advantages.

Their convenience is unrivaled, and the following are the advantages that have established them as the talk of the town.

1. Solution For Your Every Problem is Provided By Them

The premier advantage AWS big data services provide you is that they have a solution for any problem you might face.

Running a business in the digital world of 2022 is a challenging task. You are expected to predict your consumer behavior and what they want and provide it before your competitors do.

Manually achieving this process is impossible, hence, big data services are utilized to collect, sort, identify and implement the core information that can give you the edge in your niche.

2. Uncomplicated to Learn And Implement

The second significant advantage AWS big data services have associated with them is that they are uncomplicated to learn and implement. But only if you pay adequate attention to it.

Although they might seem intimidating at first glance, if you are willing to put in the work, learning and utilizing them won’t be a problem for you.

3. Smart Scaling Up & Down Capability

AWS big data services are designed to manage the flow of data, hence, they can scale up and down in accordance with the requirements of your business.

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3. Completely Managed By The AWS Team

One of the best advantages of AWS big data services is that you don’t need to invest in any infrastructure or worry about managing them.

The AWS team completely manages them. You can do the work you want and be on your way. They handle storage, maintenance, and health checks.

4. Flexible And Affordable To An Unrivaled Extent

When you receive the help that makes your job convenient, it is blissful. However, that feeling can quickly disappear if you are served with a hefty bill at the end of the month.

What makes AWS big data services stand out is that they are affordable, flexible to your budget, and sublime.

5. Protection, Encryption & Security Bar None

Data theft is the biggest reason businesses struggle to trust any third-party services.

However, what makes AWS big data services different is that they are protected and encrypted by AWS, meaning you won’t have to worry about your data being compromised.

6. Diverse Application Covering Your All Spectrum of Problems

The most significant advantage of using AWS big data services is that they have diverse applications. Hundreds of them can cover any problem you might face.

Limitations of AWS Big Data Services

AWS’s big data services are impressive, but they are still not perfect. Therefore, the following are their limitations:

1. Beginners Can Find Them Daunting To Work On

AWS big data services interface for people who have no prior experience with AWS services can be daunting to work on.

A lot of synergic effort is required to implement these services, and if you are a new user without any training, then grasping all of this won’t be easy.

2. Billing Can Cause Confusion

Even though it is unanimously agreed that AWS services are cheaper than their counterparts. However, their billing procedure and metrics and confusing as you are never sure why and what you were charged.

3. Certain Services Limits Can Frustrate You

Many AWS big data services have limits imposed on them. Although you can very conveniently talk with the AWS support team to extend them, even going through that process seems unnecessary.

Final Word

Big data is the key to running a successful business in 2022. It tells you about your customer’s purchase and navigation behavior, what they like, what they don’t, and most importantly, what you should do to stand apart?

Achieving this yesteryear was an impossible task, however, it is now a reality with modern services like AWS big data services.

In this article, we have discussed them in detail. Please go through it and let us know what you think about them in the comments section. You can check out more on AWS Professional Services big data and analytics, AWS big data specialty certification.

Happy Clouding!!

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