2024 Best 51 AWS DevOps Interview Questions

AWS DevOps is becoming more popular by the day. Those interested in joining the IT industry to get experience in Amazon Web Services will benefit greatly if they learn DevOps.

However, it can be hard to crack the AWS DevOps interview questions unless you are prepared for them.

To make your transition into AWS easier, we have gathered all the essential questions that will help you ace the interview.

Your goal is undoubtedly to be confident during the interview and give the right answers, and you will achieve that with this preparation.

Read on to stop worrying about your upcoming interview and prepare for the correct answers!

51 AWS DevOps Interview Questions and answers

1. Define AWS in DevOps.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers services for users. If they wish to carry out DevOps practices on the platform, they can do it quickly.

AWS helps DevOps users automate tasks that are manual. It assists teams in managing complex environments. DevOps provides high velocity to engineers’ work, but AWS makes their tasks more efficient.

2. Is DevOps a Programming Language or a Framework?

It’s neither. DevOps cannot be described as either a framework or a programming language. It is a blend of these two because DevOps is about both development and operations.

If you wish to create software to enhance your company’s productivity, you can use DevOps to do so.

3. What Are the Advantages or Benefits of Using AWS with DevOps?

DevOps + AWS has many advantages; some are listed below:

  • AWS automates tasks. It is a ready-to-use service requiring no setups or software to work with. It makes DevOps work easier.
  • AWS has a pay-as-you-go policy. It keeps your budget manageable and pricing in check.
  • We can use it via SDKs, APIs, or a command-line interface.
  • The scaling of DevOps practices is simple with AWS. It provides endless computational resources.
  • AWS eases the DevOps practices by introducing automation for the tasks. The result is fast and achievable deployment and testing.
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4. Explain the Integration of Development and Operations.

Development and operations combined form DevOps practices that are highly efficient, with minimum chances of error. DevOps brings together faster deployment with continuous monitoring.

It also combines the feedback feature of development with configuration management of the operational side. In short, DevOps provides the structure for AWS or other cloud platforms. 

5. What Is the Role of a DevOps Engineer?

DevOps engineers work in a hybrid environment. They manage the IT infrastructure of a company or organization based on the software code requirements.

The engineer’s design deployment models, validate and perform monitoring, and protect the cloud from malicious intents and viruses.

6. Explain Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery in DevOps for AWS.

Continuous integration is used by DevOps engineers. They use a version control system throughout the team and integrate their work later to the main branch.

This practice works best with building and testing codes automatically. Every time a change is made, it is built and verified for integration errors.

Continuous delivery is different from continuous integration because the DevOps engineers automate the release process in this methodology. Every software update is built, tested, and deployed automatically.

The final production call is made with the help of a human, a business rule, or an automated test.

7. What Are the Common AWS DevOps Tools?

AWS DevOps has many popular tools; some of the most common ones are:

  • AWS CodeBuild: It is a fully-managed, code-building tool. It builds source code, tests them, and prepares them for deployment.
  • It can scale multiple builds of codes simultaneously. Therefore, developers have to wait for their code to be scaled.
  • AWS CodePipeline: When a programmer makes changes to the code, it automatically builds the application, tests it, and then deploys it to the target.
  • It helps maintain fast delivery and management of infrastructural updates. Continuous integration and continuous delivery are a part of this tool.
  • AWS CodeStar: It offers a user interface that is unified for the development and deployment of applications.
  • With AWS CodeStar, a developer or user can create a complete delivery toolchain in one go. We can manage all sectors of software management with this tool.
  • AWS CodeDeploy: It can deploy applications of users on-premise at any instance. It is an automated mechanism for code deployment.
  • AWS CodeDeploy aids with the release of new features. It also helps avoid downtime and software challenges during changes.

8. Explain the Use of ECS in AWS DevOps.

ECS is an Elastic Container Service by Amazon for users of AWS. It is a high-performance and scalable container management service.

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ECS is straightforward to use with integration to Docker containers. It allows users to run their applications with managed clusters on EC2 instances.

9. Explain Lambda for AWS DevOps.

AWS Lambda is an Amazon service for computation. It allows the users to run codes without explicit server management or provision.

A user can run various types of codes using Lambda (check out AWS Lambda interview questions for more) with no integration.

The process is simple: upload the code and let Lambda take care of the code and its scaling. 

10. What Are Some Real-World Retailer Examples for AWS DevOps?

Among the many significant uses of AWS DevOps, the e-commerce industry is a prominent one. Retailers use its services for faster deliveries and customer communication. A few examples of AWS DevOps in e-commerce are:

  • Lululemon Athletica: This is the best example of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery.They use AWS CodePipeline for the distribution of pieces.
  • Instacart: They automated their front-end and back-end services with AWS CodeDeploy. This practice has reduced operational delays for them. It has made them focus on developing their core products only.

AWS devOps interview questions for freshers

11. What Is Classic Automation and Orchestration?

Classic automation is simple as running a task without any interference from humans. In the automation of multiple tasks, we will have to automate them one by one.

Orchestration is slightly different from automation. It is the automated coordination and configuration of software and systems. The systems using orchestration need to make decisions and reactions to events.

It would not be wrong to say that classic automation and orchestration are variations of the same kind. Orchestration can be complex automation, but it’s more than that. The logic to orchestration is more advanced than the ‘if this, then that’ method.

12. What is Virtual Private Cloud in AWS DevOps?

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is associated with a user account for AWS. VPC lets the user create subnets or regions. It also enables them to configure route tables and internet gateways for their accounts.

When users have done the tasks, they get easy access to Amazon RDS or Amazon EC2. Users can also combine two VPCs with their private IPs.

13. Which Web Services Are Used for AWS DevOps?

  • Elastic Compute Cloud/EC2: It is available for AWS DevOps because it enables safe and scalable compute capacity. With the help of EC2, web-based cloud computing becomes more manageable and smoother.
  • Relational Database Service/RDS: It helps the developers create relational databases and manage them within the cloud platform. Developers can also scale the databases for their use.
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14. Why Should We Use the AWS DevOps Model?

AWS DevOps model is beneficial on the organizational level. It improves the efficiency of developers’ work and reduces the cost of operations.

It can start as a simple new service introduced in the work culture and integrate slowly to develop a professional mindset.

When two teams (development and operations) combine to improve quality and production, the best service for the customers will be the result.

15. What Are the Challenges of DevOps Pipeline Creation for AWS?

Creating a DevOps pipeline is not as simple as using one. The developers have to face a range of challenges and hurdles while creating the pipeline for AWS DevOps.

Data migration and the introduction of new features are among the common problems they encounter.

16. How Would You Manage the DevOps Pipeline Creation Challenges?

The use of a feature flag is common to manage DevOps pipeline challenges. When there is an issue with the management of incremental product releases, this method can be helpful.

Similarly, if data migration fails, the system goes into an unstable state. We can use data migration tools for rollbacks to prevent the issue.

AWS devOps interview questions for 5 years experience

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DevOps engineers have to learn the tools and techniques to become an asset in the industry. Without in-depth knowledge of Amazon Web Services, the interviewer may not take an interest in you.

Therefore, prepare for the AWS DevOps Interview Questions in great detail so that you are confident in tackling any questions that come your way.

This question guide will help you improve your understanding of AWS and DevOps.

If you wish to learn more about web services, please check our other guides on AWS interview questions. Together, these guides can prepare you for your interview and help you gain better knowledge of the domain.

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